
Flake: Jack Johnson

As the end of break approaches, I had a great day today! It wasn't as gorgeous at the beach as the past few days have been, but it was still fun (for me, anyway) to bring Megan, Nick, and Kyle to my home beach. I went to work with my dad this morning and got some homework done. Then Megan picked me up and we walked around the Jersey Gardens Outlet Mall and the Woodbridge Mall (fun!) until we met up with Nick and Kyle at her house. We then continued on to my house where I gave Kyle, the only one who hadn't seen my house yet, the "grand tour". In his case, it almost seemed more like the seat tour. He tried every couch and chair, very funny. Thankfully, he approved of all of them. We then continued on to the beach which was windy and horrible. The sand blowing was painful and the wind made if freezing. We spent some time on the rocks where there was no sand, but the cold winds could only be dealt with so long before we moved on to Red Bank fun. We wandered in and out of some shops, enjoyed some delicious Zebu pizza, and hung around Riverside Gardens Park until the sun went down and it was dark out. We then went back to my house where we sat around talking on the back screened-in porch. The adventure ended with a trip to the gas station to help my brother who had unfortunately driven his gas tank dry. After mending that problem, we said our farewells and decided that we would have to go to the beach on a day that it wasn't windy and painful. I'm really enjoying being home, but I think I'm ready to go back to school and kick butt on my last four weeks, too. So we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Congratulations on that big decision! It was good having you home.
♥, Mom