
The Boogie Monster: Gnarls Barkley

Our glorious dorm room!
Megan and I are VERY proud of our dorm room... we worked very hard to make it look cozy and comfy with our lights and layout and wall decorations. So, I am sharing with all of you our fortress of solitude!

Starting with my desk... where all of the boring work happens.

My bed!!!

Kristen! Our next-door-neighbor.

Megan and Tucker on Megan's bed and at Megan's desk.

Megan's desk!

My wall of photos above my bed.

Megan's TV + our dresser.

Where I usually am!

My fridge! Which unfortunately resides in Megan's closet, right now... aren't the magnets FUN?!

And on the inside....

Kool Aid Jammers!!! This is gangster-status, here. Some college students have their fridge fully stocked with beer like this, but no. Megan and I? We keep it cool with Kool Aid.


Wine Red: The Hush Sound

Today is a great day. I woke up this morning and Megan told me right off the bat: "I think today is going to be a good day!" And she was most definitely right. So off to class we went in our bright green (Megan) and bright yellow (Me) long-sleeved shirts, ready to battle the cold, when we found it wasn't that cold at all! And after eating breakfast, we continued on to brave the first full day of school. Which was, for me and for her (from what I've been hearing), very good!!! I can tell right away I'm going to be really enjoying class this semester. Genetics will be challenging, but I need that. And I'm looking forward to it because although it's really hard, it's so, so interesting. And then there's Botany!!! I think that may be my favorite class this semester! Although I don't have biological illustration until Friday... so we'll see. In Chem, I already learned more than I learned last year. Thankfully I don't need to do the labs again. I'm more-or-less auditing the class again. My teacher last year was absolutely terrible. Although I passed the class just fine, and even better than most others in the class (or so I learned from the number of people who failed it and are re-taking it), I didn't learn SQUAT. So I'm really looking forward to taking it again with Mango, who is supposed to be a great teacher. And, thus far, I can see why people would say so! Unlike my old chem lecture, people actually raise their hands and ask questions, and she fully answers them. She's just, all in all, a better teacher. And now that I've gone off on that rave, I'm going to stop talking about classes for now!

In the next few days I should be posting photos of our dorm room... it's so comfy and cozy now! I really think I do need a roommate to be totally comfortable in my living quarters. I'm not a "living alone" kind of person. I like living with friends or family. And you can really tell from the transformation my room has made since Megan moved in! It looks so much more comfortable and welcoming! You'll just have to wait and see!

On another note, I'm going to put a word out there for all of the students who made a New Years Resolution to do better in school (or anyone else, for that matter!) A major part of brain function is the vitamins and minerals your body is taking in. So that diet you just hopped on to fulfill your New Years Resolution to lose weight might not be the best for you! But if you are so determined to stick with it, here are some vitamins you might want to consider picking up from your local pharmacy:

Vitamin B12: This vitamin is essential to your body's metabolic functions. Your body has a natural chemistry that needs fatty acids, which includes B12. Some of the biggest benefits of B12? It's great for the nervous system, brain, and blood cell production, and it's ENERGIZING!

Fish Oil: This vitamin, although it is often times quite smelly, can be found in the "odorless" variety, as well. But it is very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great protectors against heart disease. On top of that, the Omega-3's found in fish oil have been found to protect against some cancers (like breast, colon, and prostate cancer), it's great for eyesight, and help improve depression and other mental disorders, as well. But how can this particular vitamin help out an aspiring, determined student? Not only can it help in weight regulation (watch that freshman fifteen!!!), but it has also been found to help CONCENTRATION, even in students with ADD and ADHD.

Vitamin D: If you're on a multi-V, this might not be important. Same if you're going to school in an area that you get lots of glorious sunshine. But as a Vermont student, I don't get too much of that in the winter. What's my remedy? Vitamin D! It's a vitamin that is found in many fishes, eggs, and, most importantly from sunshine. But if you're in the same boat as me, Vitamin D is often ignored in the winter time. But what's so great about Vitamin D that it's worth taking supplements when the sun isn't quite shining like you wish it was? It's been shown to help IMMUNE HEALTH and MOOD IMPROVEMENT. And what student doesn't need that?

Vitamin C: Immune system, immune system, immune system!!! When you're living in a dorm room with hundreds of other students, it's very tough to avoid getting sick. Especially if you're being social! But one good way to try and help out your immune system is Vitamin C supplements and consuming lots of Vitamin C-rich foods, especially fruits (more fruits than you probably know off the top of your head are rich in vitamin C!) So, if you don't want to miss class from being sick (which you DON'T :P), this might help your IMMUNE SYSTEM keep you healthy!

Those are just a few that I take to get me through the school year, winter especially. So, who knows! Maybe they'll help you, too!


Chase This Light: Jimmy Eat World

My creative juices are flowing. I'm getting some ideas. After a full semester of being a C.A. and realizing just how much I miss drawing, I had this interesting idea. In a childrens-book format, "In Case of Emergency..." The story will be about possible scenarios and what to do when they happen. And the best part? It would work for so many different groups of people. There could be an "In Case of Emergency... College Edition!" or perhaps "In Case of Emergency... Babysitter Edition!" It could be a gift for a new parent or young adults finally on their own. Maybe there could even be a fill in the blank section with important numbers and stuff. Has this been done already? I'm guessing it has. But I was pretty excited when I thought of it. Hahaha.

Let me know what you think. I'm thinkin' it could be fun to illustrate it. Things you think would be common sense, but maybe they're not.