
Abracadabra: Sugar Ray

Did you know...
Raw cucumber, when applied on the skin, can help reduce heat and inflammation?
The diuretic, cooling and cleansing property of cucumber makes it good for skin?

If you didn't, here's a few more!

Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, acid stomach, gastritis and even ulcer.
Placing a cucumber slice over the eyes not only soothes them, but also reduces swelling.
Daily consumption of cucumber juice helps control cases of eczema, arthritis and gout.
Cucumber has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from lung, stomach and chest problems.
The potassium in cucumber makes it useful for the problem of high and low blood pressure.
Cucumber contains Erepsin, the enzyme that helps in protein digestion.

And if you didn't know those ones... DID YOU KNOW THAT...

Being rich in minerals, cucumber helps prevent splitting of nails of the fingers and toes?!
Cucumber has been associated with healing properties in relation to diseases of the kidney, urinary bladder, liver and pancreas?!
Those suffering from diabetes have been found to benefit from the consumption of cucumber/cucumber juice?!?!


And finally... did you know that cucumbers are a decent source of Magnesium, good source of Phosphorus, and a great source of Vitamin B9 and Potassium?! Something to think about.

And maybe chew on.

So pick up your very own cucumber for (usually) less than a dollar today! And chomp it, slice it, carry it along with you! Put it in your water, eat it up! It's good for you.

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Wow, I didn't know any of that!! The best part is that I like cucumbers...they taste good and now I know that they are good for us. Very cool!
♥, Mom