
3: Britney Spears

I know, I know. It's been a very long while since I last updated. But I am now, as I enjoy the new shoesies that I got for Christmas (thanks, Mom!) and my nice big bottle of seltzer water (I love being home!).

Winter break! So much to do, so little time! My dad and I have not yet made our annual visit to Joe's Meat Market in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Usually we make the trek on Christmas Eve-day. It's one of those places that's very, very special to us. I love it when we walk in and the smell of all of the smoked meats fill my nose. Delicious. Even when I was a vegetarian, I loved going there and looking at all of the foreign candies and smelling the delicious meats. I'm hoping we can still go while I'm home. I think it'll still happen.

Last night I saw Sherlock Holmes. What a great movie! Soo up my alley. I would definitely recommend seeing it. If you do, call me. I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Seriously, it was that good. The cast chosen was perfect. And they really upheld the integrity of the legendary Sherlock Holmes.

And, with New Years creeping up quick, I have made a decision that I think will be very beneficial in 2010. New Years resolutions? NOPE! Kicking them to the curb. Forget about 'em. I never actually completely follow through with them anyway! So what's the point? This year, I am not going to be making ANY New Years resolutions! I am going to go into 2010 with an open mind and only the highest sense of optimism and hope for the best. I'll continue to work my hardest, but I am NOT going to torture myself one more year with a whole bunch of New Years resolutions that I know that I will not keep. For those of you out there who stick with your New Years resolutions year by year, I definitely commend you. That's some SERIOUSLY impressive stuff. But after trying to make resolutions to stick to year in and year out, in the end, I never follow through on them. So...

2010, HERE I COME!


black eyed susans kitchen said...

You crack me up!!! Joe's Meat Market...definitely!
♥, Mom

Megs said...

SHERLOCK HOLMES WAS SOSOSOSO GOOD. <3 And I love the fact that we both felt the need to not only mention that we saw it, but also RECOMMEND others go see it in our blogs. <3

hahah, happy new years Jenna! <3 Lovez you! See you in like... two weeks when we go back to school, ahhh! :D

Ian Stanley said...

Paige wants one of these too