
I Fucking Bleed Purple and Gold: Super Mash Bros.

It's funny how easy it is to say that you can't do something. When the words "I'm just not good at this... I can't do it." fall out of your mouth, it flows so naturally. But how often do you hear people talk about being good at something? I'm the first to plead guilty to this. I'm very quick to admit that I'm not good at something.

I will never be good at working out chemical equilibrium equations in chemistry. I will never be good at playing contact sports, as I'm definitely not competitive enough, and I tend to be afraid of the ball. I will never be good taking tests, as proven during finals week. Nor will I ever be good at taking care of fish. I'll never be good at making serious commitments. I'll always be absolutely horrible at giving directions. And I'll always be bad at packing up and moving out. There are lots and lots and lots of other things that I am not good at and will never be good at.

However, over time, there are some things that I've grown to know I'll always be good at doing.

I'll always be good at doodling on the side of my notes, and I'll always be good at drawing doodles for friends. I'll always be good at making messes, whether I clean them or not is the bigger question. I'll always be good at dancing around in public without caring about what others may think. I am and will ALWAYS be an excellent shopper. I will always be good at trying new foods (and enjoying them). And The Sims 3? Got that in the bag, I'm a pro.

I guess that my point is, everybody is good at something. And even if the things that you know you'll always be good at are absolutely useless and pointless, you still have skills. Strengths and weaknesses.
The big question is...
Do you let those weaknesses get you down? Or do you stare them down and take them head on?

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Really big SIGH! I embrace my weaknesses and tell them that I love them...