
Kids: MGMT

Because I've been such a fabulous slacker over the past few weeks, it's time for me to pick up my game and get back to the place I used to be. So I am making a list of ten things I need to get done and changes I need to make in the next week.

1. Get my schoolwork done again. Even though I am finally caught up, I've got a couple major exams in the next two weeks. It's time to crack down and spend more time in the library. Epic study time GO.

2. Sleep less all day and more at the right hours. Let me put it this way... last night, I stayed up with friends all night long doing pretty much a whole lotta nothing. Some movies, late-night Denny's run, until about 8 am. But then I slept until 6 pm (an hour and twenty minutes ago) today. I spend all day in bed almost every day. I need to get back on track with that and start sleeping at normal hours. Going to bed earlier, waking up more rested.

3. Get my Community Advisor work done. I've got a green-eggs-and-ham St. Patty's day program coming up next week and I've got two bulletin boards that I've been putting off. Time to stop procrastinating and start being a good CA again.

4. It's time for me to start eating like a human being again. No more of this living off of pickles, kool-aide, and cookies bull-shit. It's not healthy. I know it's not healthy. I haven't gotten around to wrapping my mind around getting REAL food, like vegetable matter, since whenever the last time I ran out and got pickles and Oreos instead. I'm gonna try eating human foods this week. Instead of living the dream of a Rugrat. (Sorry, Mom... I'm sure hearing that I haven't been eating well is not what you want to hear.)

5. Go for more walks. In this area, I will give myself a pat on the back. I've been getting out almost every night, at very least every other night, going for a run, jog, or at very least a walk. So I'm going to keep doing that because I think it helps to keep my head clear.

6. Spend less money. I know, Mom. I have been spending waaaay too much lately. I just spent a good chunk of my paycheck (less than half, though) on a dress. So it's time for me to start cutting back and STOP spending so much money. Time to start saving and get back to basics, picking up on things activities that don't cost as much money again.

7. Completely clean out my room throwing stuff away. It looks clean a lot of the time... unless you check out the bottom of my closet, or any of my drawers. This week I'm hoping to clean those out. I think that will help me get a grip and hop back on track.

8. Be a better friend. I know I haven't been a very good friend over the past several weeks. I haven't really been a very good functional human being. So I really want the chance to be a good friend again.

9. PLAY DRESS UP! It always makes me feel good when I get dressed in a nice, well put together outfit for the day. And lately I've been rocking out the sweatpants quite a bit. And as good as that feels, I'm always much more productive when I'm dressed up nicer. It makes me feel good on the inside instead of just comfortable. So I think that might help me in my endeavors.

I put this as number ten, but in reality, this may be the most important one yet. Forget about the past. It's over. It's done. And it's time to stop hanging on to what used to be. Everything changes over the course of three and a half years. So it's time to stop dwelling on things that once were and will never be again. It's time to move on.

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

The "food", the retail therapy, the late nights...yes, I was aware and I am glad that you are too. All good ideas, but don't be so hard on yourself...things change, people change and therefore life changes. You are a smart, lovable, beautiful person and there will be plenty of people to appreciate that...we all have to grow up, but slowly, in good time...take your time...but eat better.
♥, Mom