
Swing, Swing: The All American Rejects

It's really strange how you can be around so many people all day long and, at the end of the day, still feel like you're completely alone. I don't know where it comes from or why that happens. And I don't like complaining about things on here, but I feel like I have to get this out somewhere. And right now I feel like it's easier to type it out than verbally spit it out. I'm not feeling myself, and I've actually been channeling Holden Caulfield (which makes me feel at least a little MAJORLY insane). Ian and I broke up one week ago. Although I know, based on our schedules and where our brains are at now, that this is probably for the best for the time being. But it's still heartbreaking. I'll get back in the swing of things soon enough, though, I'm sure. Positive thinking can change everything, right? Positive thinking... positive thinking.

Anyway, I know that wasn't exactly the most uplifting post. But I had to get it out.


Megs said...

Aw, Jenna. I love you, and I'm sorry you've been very meh lately. :( I wish there was something I could to help. Just know that I'm always always always here to listen to you. <3<3<3 We're so dying your hair tonight.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Yikes...dying your hair? Again?? Maybe it is time to come here and have some homemade loving!