
The Boogie Monster: Gnarls Barkley

Our glorious dorm room!
Megan and I are VERY proud of our dorm room... we worked very hard to make it look cozy and comfy with our lights and layout and wall decorations. So, I am sharing with all of you our fortress of solitude!

Starting with my desk... where all of the boring work happens.

My bed!!!

Kristen! Our next-door-neighbor.

Megan and Tucker on Megan's bed and at Megan's desk.

Megan's desk!

My wall of photos above my bed.

Megan's TV + our dresser.

Where I usually am!

My fridge! Which unfortunately resides in Megan's closet, right now... aren't the magnets FUN?!

And on the inside....

Kool Aid Jammers!!! This is gangster-status, here. Some college students have their fridge fully stocked with beer like this, but no. Megan and I? We keep it cool with Kool Aid.

1 comment:

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Great post! Love the way your room looks....and your stocked fridge...kind of wish that your room at home was like that. Love you linens and the pictures on the wall.
♥, Mom